Tuesday, March 8, 2022



I worked with Tallulah Duffy 1823 and Fia Brown 1804

We created a promotion package for a new film, which includes two trailers, together with an official social media page for the film and a poster for the film. We made the promo pack for a coming-of-age rom com called 'Tru 2 U'. Through my research of other trailers such as Freaky Friday and Mean girls, I understood how to emulate the genre conventions of a teen comedy in my own trailer. 




I took responsibility for the camerawork in particular and worked behind the scenes as my group member Tallulah Duffy was our main protagonist of the trailer.  I took into consideration the importance of different camera angles: wide angle shots, close up shows, tracking shots etc, to create meaning. I enjoyed working with the Iphone 12 pro and the Canon camera, and after time experimenting, I became confident in creating interesting shots which I believe is evident from our trailer. 


We worked together for the editing job, and each offered our individual opinions. As we were creating a trailer we positioned our clips in a non-linear order to align our trailer with the conventions of a typical film opening. We took careful thought into ordering our clips, speeding them up where necessary, and brightening up the clips by increasing the saturation. The editing was a joint effort. 


I took a lot responsibility for the directing of the scenes and offering ideas behind the camera because I was not acting in front of the camera. I take a lot of interest in directing and offering ideas to my group-mates and so therefore believed this role was fitting for my skill set. 


I also had a role to play in choosing sound for our trailer. As a group, we decided to remove all diegetic sound from the trailer and only use a song: 'The real me' by Alexis, which we found in another already existing film: 'Confessions of a teenage drama queen' - which film is alike ours. The non-diegetic music which I found after time researching was an important part in the making of our trailer. 


I took control of the Instagram page. 

Friday, February 4, 2022


We made a major change as a production group, for we decided to change the genre of our film trailer genre. In A1, we decided to create a horror film opening with a supernatural, metaphysical element - however, for this year we decided to take a different route. Originally, we were going to create a sad, emotional film about bullying, featuring a teenage girl as the target. We took interest into themes such as bullying and harassment, and how this affects young teenage girls.
 However, after time reflecting and planning this original theme, we decided to make our protagonist end up strong, and self-loving. We decided to make our film more fun and light-hearted. This change enabled us to be creative in having a 'strong female lead'. As we are a group of teenage girls, we could resonate with elements of our film such as societal pressures to be 'perfect and popular'. We focused on the importance of being 'Tru 2 U'. 


Using IMovie, we made final edits to each scene to create a more professional look. In post production, we considered the order of our scenes, the non-diegetic music to be used, the intertitles and the reviews. 
Originally, we ordered the scenes chronologically. However, we eventually rearranged the scenes nonconsecutively because after researching, we understood this is the technique of trailers. 
Therefore, we edited the order of our clips in order to align our trailer with the conventions of a film trailer, which quickly jumps through the narrative in a non-linear way.

Thursday, February 3, 2022


1. A minor refinement we made was to change the name of our film from 'True to you' to 'Tru 2 U' to create more youthful, playful branding. of our coming-of-age teen film. This refinement was key in establishing our product's brand and 'look'. Because our film is attracting younger audiences, I believe this refinement was successful for our product. 
2.In post production, we increased the saturation of our film to make it appear brighter and more visually vivid. I believe this post-production lighting change was a necessary refinement in order to create a fun, lighthearted tone rather than a dull, realistic  everyday tone. 


On reflection, while I believe wholly our trailer was successful in achieving what I had hoped, I believe that in some scenes the camera quality is not as sharp as in others. This is evidently to do with using an Iphone 8 vs using an Iphone 12 pro. After carrying out this production therefore, I would have  used a different device to film on for the difference in qualities in clear in our trailer. This could've been achieved by refilming- if we had extra time to complete this - although I do not think the quality takes away from the content itself. 



Tuesday, January 4, 2022

PLANNING: BBFC Certificate

The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC) is a non-governmental organisation founded by the film industry in 1912, which is responsible for the classification and censorship of films in the UK.

Classification is the ‘process of giving age ratings and content advice to films and other audio-visual content to help children and families choose what’s right for them and avoid what’s not’.

The BBFC produce and publish guidelines which influence all classification decisions. They are regularly updated, and the product of public consultation, research and experience, reflecting current views on regulation. The guidelines determine the age category of each film: U, 12, 12A, etc. 

After researching these given guidelines on the BBFC website, myself and my production team decided that our film ‘TRU 2 U’ will fit into the 12A-rating: suitable for anyone aged 12 or over to go and see the film unaccompanied. Our BBFC film certificate was produced using PowerPoint to edit our film name onto a template.


LAURA SOUTER 1860 I worked with Tallulah Duffy 1823 and Fia Brown 1804 We created a promotion package for a new film, which includes two tra...